A Story of Healing from our Sisters in Italy – received from a friend who wishes to remain anonymous . . .
I found out that I was pregnant. At the beginning I thought I would have an abortion. My boyfriend agreed. He was scared and didn’t feel like he was ready to be a father. I was also afraid of losing my job: after a year and a half of contract work, I had finally been offered a permanent position.
I made the appointment, and I even remember the exact date. I was sick that my desire was finally coming true—before I hadn’t been able to stay pregnant and now I was not able to keep the baby.
The doctor who performed my sonogram explained that I could give the baby up for adoption if I couldn’t keep it. He said, “Think of how beautiful this baby will be!”
Then he let me listen to the heartbeat and from that moment I was in crisis. While I was on my way to make the appointment to have the abortion, I realized that my feet were carrying me, not my heart. The day was nearing, and I was increasingly in despair: I felt like I hadn’t made the choice.
I wanted to talk to someone. So I called the Sisters, who had always been close to me when I needed advice. I told them everything.
The Sisters listened to me and received the drama that I was going through, knowing that it is not easy for a single woman to raise a child. They said it was a choice I had to make myself, but that there were organizations that help mothers in difficulty. They assured me that even they were prepared to support me if the need arose.
After talking with the Sisters, it became clear to me that I did not want to have an abortion.
I called my boyfriend and told him I had decided to keep the baby even if I were alone and that I would manage somehow.
After a few days, he called back and asked to meet. We talked and began seeing each other again. We grew accustomed to the idea of the pregnancy a little bit at a time. We decided to live together and began making plans for the future.
One great thing happened during my pregnancy. When my boyfriend came home from work each day, he would immediately put his hand on my stomach and say to the baby, “Gimme five!” If the little one kicked, my boyfriend would say that the baby recognized him.
In my fifth month, the baby was diagnosed with a heart problem. I was very worried, but my boyfriend stayed by me and came to all my appointments. After the baby was born, he had surgery and is now fine. But we went through so much worry. Through all that time the “auntie” Sisters came to see us in the hospital and supported us.
It still doesn’t seem real to me that I am a mother! Watching him grow is amazing, and I am happy to say that his father has learned to feed and change him. He is proud that everyone says that they look like ‘two peas in a pod,’ and I don’t understand why -- since I am the one who carried him for nine months!
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I am a nurse and a Secular Franciscan and feel the precious presence of Blessed Frances Schervier in my life. I came to know Blessed Frances by visiting web sites of Franciscan congregations. Your site is beautiful, well developed, clear and objective. I am enchanted by reading your publications – Voices, Remembering Sacred Lives and the new Blessed Frances Site. What is most fascinating is your charism of recognizing Christ in the poor to heal His wounds in them. This touches me deeply.
While on a retreat related to the St. Damiano Crucifix. the words “Do you not see, Francis?” pierced my heart. After prayer and silence, the gaze of the Crucified invited me to behold people with evermore compassion and to understand their stories and limitations. This inflamed my heart. I knew that I needed to rebuild my own life, since I experienced stress and health issues last year. I needed first to heal myself, as my spiritual director had suggested.
Through the Internet, I was touched by Blessed Frances’ words: “In the poor and the suffering I saw and loved the Lord…” and the words of St. Francis: “When you see a poor or an ill person, you are gazing at the mirror of the Lord.” I started praying the Blessed Frances Novena, Litany, and Prayer for her Canonization. Since then, all my laboratory exams have shown improvement. I also kept praying that Blessed Frances would intercede for the sick and the needy.
Then my nine-month old niece had an acute case of bronchitis and was hospitalized for only three days! This fills me with joy, hope and thanksgiving. The journey may be difficult, yet the Crucified asks us: “Repair my Church!” Now I know that it is the Lord himself who asks me, who brings me the help from St. Francis and our Blessed Frances, as their gaze converges toward the same point: seeing Jesus in the poor and the sick to heal this wounded world!
Due to the geographical distance I cannot be with you nor participate in the activities of your lay Associates. However, I express my spiritual union in your marvelous charism!
I want to make Blessed Frances known where I live. Her dedication to healing people, especially the poor and the suffering, may bring healing to the many realities where I live in Brazil. I ask your help since so that this immense love, this healing power given by the Lord to Blessed Frances Schervier will attract more people, as it happened to me!
To show my gratitude, I will pray and spread the word about Blessed Frances’ life, especially among the many that need healing. I am certain that she will intercede for them to the Lord. I thank you!
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