

My ministry takes place in a shelter home for immigrant women who have serious difficulties (financial, job-related, social, as victims of exploitation). 

A few months ago, we welcomed three young women to our shelter home – two from East Europe an one from Africa). We were also asked to shelter for a while a transexual person, whom I will name Sally. We wondered with our team whether we would be able to handle a situation such as this. In the end, though with some hesitation and concern, we accepted. 
Sally had a very wounded past. She had experienced much pain and suffering in her life, had very low self esteem and did not trust anyone. 

As the days went by, we realized that Sally’s presence created a balance within the group of the women at the Home. Sally listened to them and comforted them. She had become a big support and encouraged them to face their own wounds. They helped each other in handling daily chores and in trying to build back up a new life for themselves. 
Sally left the Home saying that she had found a place there where she never felt judged for her life but she felt loved and welcomed for what she was. The serene and family-like environment had allowed her to begin looking at her own past and seeking a new and better life for herself in the future.   

Sr. Monica sfp

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